The mission of Ladies Ministries is to equip and mobilize Apostolic ladies of the world for service in the kingdom of God. Women’s Ministry exists to nurture, encourage, and equip women to faithfully use their gifts for service in God’s kingdom. “Now we are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.”

Learning about the youth’s role in the church and society, maternal path and responsibilities through a wholehearted pursuit of Jesus and His Word.

The UPCI Men’s Ministry has become an invaluable medium through which men are bringing their gifts to the kingdom table, making both a timeless and tangible difference around the world. Through joint efforts with various UPCI ministries, hundreds of capable, committed men continue to build the kingdom at home, and abroad – constructing houses of worship, Bible schools, and orphanages, and through man-to-man evangelism as well.